I suppose now's as good a time to update as any, though.
I'm showing in 3' jumpers with Rileigh over the first weekend in March. It's our first time showing at 3', so I'm excited. I'll be sure to get photos.
He was adjusted by the chiropractor yesterday, and my fears were confirmed - his jumping saddle is too tight behind the withers, especially on the right(he's a little bigger on that side). Riles has added a ton of muscle to his topline in the past 6 months, and I'd been suspecting the saddle fit might be getting a little off. I'm calling to make an appointment with the saddle fitter today, and hopefully the problem can be fixed with a flocking adjustment.
Otherwise he's been doing well. He was great today, the adjustment obviously helped; he was much more forward in the bridle. He's always forward, but more "run around" forward, not into the bridle nicely without being asked. It was a good feeling today.
^ feeling frisky over the weekend during a random cold snap(35F that morning!) in between 80 degree weather.
Zipper was also adjusted by the chiropractor. I've been suspecting a bit of hip or pelvic soreness resulting in some troubles he has picking up the right lead, which is why I wanted him looked at. Fortunately, the vet that does the chiropractic work is a pelvic lameness specialist at a university hospital up north, and was immediately able to tell his right SI joint was out just from watching him jog. In addition to the sacroiliac pain Zipper's left poll was very sore and required major adjustment. The vet said he's probably had the poll out for a while, and the SI trouble was caused by compensating for that. He expects huge improvement now. It was really obvious that he felt so much better even right after being treated. I'm looking forward to hearing from Hannah how he is under saddle today.
^ looking extra manly in his pink unicorn halter
MJ's still getting into the swing of things under saddle, but she's improving with every ride. I'm feeling that in another few months she'll be doing really fabulously.
^ being ridden about a week ago. Still quite tense, but such a leap from where we started, and she's doing even better now.
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